Faith, Inc.

About Us
It is our MISSION to provide free and confidential services to alleged victims of child abuse. It is our GOAL to ensure that children disclosing abuse are not further victimized by the intervention systems designed to protect them. Children and teens coming to the Power House may be victims of abuse and/or neglect, or may have witnessed a serious crime.
From our environment to the services we offer, our focus is on the child and his/her non-offending caregiver(s). The Power House is able to offer a ''kid-focused'' coordinated team response to allegations of abuse by bringing together agencies and professionals involved in the investigation and intervention system. The multidisciplinary approach means that The Power House brings Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services, Medical Professionals, Forensic Interviewers, Mental Health Professionals and Advocates into one location, reducing the need for children and families to navigate a sometimes difficult and confusing system
- Forensic interviews
- Forensic medical exams
- Trauma Focused Therapy and Crisis Counseling
- Advocacy
- Multidisciplinary Team Coordination